Kakishibu, Persimmon Tannin Powder from Japan
Suzusan + SIND

Kakishibu, Persimmon Tannin Powder from Japan

Regular price $19.00

Kaki(柿) means persimmon and shibu(渋) astringent or tannin.

Persimmons (Latin: Diospyros kaki) are a fruit with a long history of use as food and as a dye. It is condensed tannin.

Kakishibu is both a tannin and a dye made from unripe persimmon fruits. The fruits are picked when green and at the highest level of tannin content. After they are crushed and fermented, their juice is concentrated, dried and ground into a powder (almost 95% tannin content). It is a substantive dye thus no mordant mordant is used required. However, when the iron mordant is used it turns black.

It has photosensitive as well as polymerizing qualities and is used in a similar manner as lacquer. IN Japan and greater Asia, tannin is used in many ways such as dyeing fabrics, fishnet, coating wood, and paper finish, and in the sake brewery process. Kakishibu tannin on fabrics is non-toxic and almost water-resistant, antiseptic, insect repellent, and mildew-proof.

Kakishibu colors become darker under UV light from the sun. The final shade depends on how many layers are applied and will be from a tan and a deep orangy brown to grey to black, reacting to alkalinity, iron mordant, the number of layers or dips, and exposure to U.V. 

Make what you can use within a week to a month, and store it in a dry, cool, and dark place. Be to shake or store every few days if not used.

Ana Lisa Hedstrom uses it well in her DVD.

How to prepare your kakishibu powder to liquid;

Mix with 25 grams - mix with 500 ml of tepid water, or less or more, depending on what is used. If painting onto cloth, prepare 5 g at a time.

Application on fabric;

Soak fully scoured and pre-wetted textile for 30 minutes in a cold dye bath or apply with a brush on dry cloth. Dry the fabric in the shade. Once dry, hang in the sun to get a darker color. Rotate the cloth to get even sun exposure.

The fabric can be smelly after dyeing but that will fade soon. 

Repeat process if needed, keep in mind the fabric will become darker over time.

Fabric may appear stiff after the dyeing process, which is easily solved by a light wash.

Kakishibu dye does not work according to WOF

Application on wood, bamboo, or other plant matters;

Smooth the wood or bamboo surface with sandpaper before applying kakishibu.

Brush and wipe the surface for an even application. Let it dry between coats.






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